ITEM 1..∞
This element is used to define items. An item is identified via the SERIE_NO (path 1) and TYPE_NO (path 1) attributes.
The characteristic features/properties, or a reference via ITEM_REF to another series (SERIE_NO) and the item number of valid for the other series, are stored for each item. If the ITEM_REF element contains a value, the item is a reference item belonging to another series, otherwise the item belongs to the series in which it is specified at this position.
TYPE_NO required Restriction of xs:string
This element is used to enter the item code/item type. |
D string P M [1:30]
SEQUENCE_NO optional Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This attribute allows for the specification of items with a freely-defined sorting order.
The sorting of the items always relates to the series in which the items are stored. If a SEQUENCE_NO is specified for one item within the series, a SEQUENCE_NO must be specified for all items within this series. |
D positiveInteger P M |
This element is used to reference an item.
TYPE_NO required Restriction of xs:string
This attribute is used to reference an item with an item number. |
D string P M [1:30] |
SERIE_NO required Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
This attribute is used to specify the serial number of the referenced item. |
D nonNegativInteger P M [0:99999] |
| | |
This element is used to reference a base price group. A base Price group is a PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP (path 1) where the ADDITIONAL_PRICE element has a value of 0. An item must be assigned to precisely one base price group. Additional price groups are assigned via the ADDITIONAL_PRICE_GROUP element. Element paths: Path 1: PRICE_DEFINITION/PRICE_FEATURE_GROUPS/
PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP_NO required Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This attribute is used to reference a PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP. |
D positiveInteger P M [1:99999] |
Sequence optional
This element is used to specify the item price and additional price data.
PRICE_FIELD Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This element is used to specify the price field for the price. |
D positiveInteger P M [1:9999] |
PRICE Restriction of xs:integer
The prices according to their price groups (price field, element PRICE_FIELD) are entered in this field. The prices must always be specified in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR 300.00 = 30000 cents). Negative prices can also be entered in this field. Negative prices are designated with the "-" symbol before the number. The number of digits for negative values is one less than for positive values. The first digit following the minus sign must not be 0. Spaces are not permitted.
(Example: EUR -9.00 corresponds to -900)
If a price of 0 is entered, the item is free of charge within this price group. If an item within a price group is unavailable, the PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP_BASE_PRICE_REF of the item does not contain an element for the corresponding price group. |
D integer P M [-99999999:999999999]
PRICE_MINIMUM_BASIC optional Restriction of xs:integer
This element is used to enter minimum prices or base prices. The prices are entered in accordance with their price groups (price field, PRICE_FIELD).
If the price type referenced by the item is not base price-dependent, the minimum price is entered, otherwise a base price. If a price of 0 is entered, the item does not have a minimum or base price, but is also not free of charge.
The prices must always be specified in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR 300.00 = 30000 cents). = 30000 Cent). Identification numbers are entered without decimal places. Settlement points are entered with exactly 2 decimal places (excluding the decimal point itself).
If an item within a price group is unavailable, no data record of the corresponding price group is specified.
The base price is always a piece price. If an item is assigned a base price calculation, the same item cannot be assigned a minimum price. The end price of the item generally consists of the base price plus the calculated infill price in consideration of the logic defined by the price type (path 3/PRICE_TYPE_REF). Base prices can only be assigned to items for which at least one dimension is used for calculation purposes.
The effective item prices are calculated as follows: The dimensions of the base price unit (path 5/BASIC_PRICE_UNIT) must be subtracted from the item dimensions. The remaining dimensions are the infill dimensions. To calculate the price for the infill dimensions, the logic from the price type in conjunction with the item price (path 5/PRICE) is used. If the infill dimensions are less than 0, the calculations continue with an infill dimension value of 0.
This element must be specified for an item if the item's price type (Path 3/PRICE_TYPE_REF) is base price-dependent.
D integer P M [-99999999:999999999] |
BASIC_PRICE_UNIT optional Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
If a price type (path 1/PRICE_TYPE_REF) is defined as base price-dependent, the dimensions for the base price unit must be specified here. The base price unit depends on the number of dimensions specified as "1 or true" in the price type.
If, for example, the base price of a length-dependent item relates to 1.5 m, the value of 1500 bees is entered in this element. In the case of a volume-dependent price, 1 m³ will be entered as "1000000000" [mm³]. If they are piece prices, i.e. no dimension was specified as ?1?, the value 0 must be entered in this element.
D nonNegativeInteger P M [0:999999999999] |
VALID_FROM optional Restriction of xs:date
This element specifies the date on which the item becomes available for delivery. If this element is left blank, the CATALOG/VALID_FROM_DATE element will apply. Elements with the designation VALID_SINCE must not contain a date prior to the catalogue start date. |
D date P M |
VALID_UNTIL optional Restriction of xs:date
This element specifies the date until which the item is available for delivery. If the date element is left blank, the item is available for delivery indefinitely. Elements with the designation VALID_UNTIL must not contain a date that is more than 10 years in the future from the catalogue date. The element must be left blank for an indefinite period. |
D date P M |
| | | | |
This element is used to reference a price type. Price types are defined in the path1/PRICE_TYPE element.
PRICE_TYPE_NO required Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This attribute identifies a price type. |
D positiveInteger P M [1:999] |
| |
This element is used to reference PRICE_FEATURE_GROUPS with additional price groups. The base price group that must be referenced precisely 1x by an item is specified in the PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP_BASE_PRICE_REF element. All items that reference the identical PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP must also reference the same calculation group (CALC_GROUP_REF) and exchange ID (EXCHANGE_ID_REF). The following combinations are permitted when assigning different price types to items and surcharges for the same item:
Item |
Surcharge |
Unit price |
Unit price |
length-dependent |
length-dependent |
length-dependent |
Unit price | The following combination is not permitted:
Item |
Surcharge |
Unit price |
length-dependent |
This element is used to reference a surcharge group. Surcharge groups referenced here must not be used as design ranges.
PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP_NO required Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This attribute is used to reference a PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP. |
D postiveInteger P M [1:99999] |
This element is used to specify the item price.
PRICE_FIELD Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This element is used to specify the price field for the price. |
D positiveInteger P M [1:9999] |
PRICE Restriction of xs:integer
The prices according to their price groups (price field) are entered in this field. The prices must always be specified in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR 300.00 = 30000 cents). Negative prices can also be entered in this field. Negative prices are designated with the "-" symbol before the number. The number of digits for negative values is one less than for positive values. The first digit following the minus sign must not be 0. Spaces are not permitted.
(Example: field with 9 digits. The value of minus EUR 9.00 is entered as -900) |
D integer P M [-99999999:999999999]
| | | | |
This element is used to reference a price type. Price types are defined in the path1/PRICE_TYPE element.
PRICE_TYPE_NO required Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This attribute identifies a price type. |
D positiveInteger P M [1:999] |
| | | |
DECISIONS optional
This element is used to combine product item-specific rules.
This element is used to reference a rule assigned to an item.
DECISION_NO required Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This attribute is used to reference a rule. |
D positiveInteger P M [1:9999999999] |
| | | |
This element is used to assign additional items. It defines quantities of optional and/or necessary additional items, from which the additional items will be selected during planning.
This element is used to reference optional additional items. Multiple items may be selected from the available optional additional items.
SET_NO required Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
A quantity of optional additional items can be defined for each item. Multiple additional items may be selected from the available optional additional items if MULTIPLE_CHOICE = true. If only one item is defined within a quantity of optional additional items, the item will be selected automatically.
1-9= status for defining the quantities of optional additional items. |
D positiveInteger P M [1:9]
MULTIPLE_CHOICE required xs:boolean
This attribute specifies whether multiple selections within the group are permitted.
true = multiple selection permitted |
D boolean P M |
ISO_LANGUAGE_ID required Restriction of xs:language
This attribute is used to specify the ISO code of the language in which the text is stored. |
D language P [A-Z]{2} M [2:2] |
TEXT Restriction of xs:string
This element is used to store the text in the language specified in the LANGUAGE element of the ISO_LANGUAGE_ID attribute. |
D string P [\S ]{1,60} M [1:60] |
| | | | |
This element is used to reference an optional additional item.
SERIE_NO required Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
This attribute is used to specify the serial number of the referenced series. |
D nonNegativeInteger P M [0:999999] |
TYPE_NO required Restriction of xs:string
This element is used to enter the item code. (e.g. U60). |
D string P M [1:30] |
OPTIONAL_QUANTITY optional Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
Quantity of additional items. Suggested value for planning systems. The quantity is a non-binding suggestion for optional additional items; for mandatory items, the quantity is binding during planning. |
D nonNegativeInteger P M [1:999] |
| | | | | |
This element is used to assign necessary additional items to an item. Only one additional item may be selected from the available additional items. An item may however be assigned multiple quantities of necessary additional items. If only one additional item is assigned to a quantity, the item will be selected automatically.
This element is used to form a group of necessary items. Precisely one item must be selected from this group.
SET_NO required Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
For each item, a quantity of optional additional items and nine quantities of mandatory additional items can be defined. Multiple additional items may be selected from the available optional additional items. For each quantity, only one item may be selected from the quantities of mandatory additional items. If only one item is defined within a quantity of mandatory additional items, the item will be selected automatically.
1-9= status for defining the quantities of mandatory additional items.
This element is not necessary, but is retained in IDM 2.0 for reasons of compatibility to ISM 1.7. |
D positiveInteger P M [1:9]
This element references an item.
SERIE_NO required Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
This attribute is used to specify the serial number of the referenced series. |
D nonNegativeInteger P M [0:999999] |
TYPE_NO required Restriction of xs:string
This element is used to enter the item code. |
D string P M [1:30] |
MANDATORY_QUANTITY optional Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
Quantity of additional items. Suggested value for planning systems. |
D nonNegativeInteger P M [1:999] |
| | | | | | | |
EDP_NUMBER optional Restriction of xs:string
This element is used to enter the (internal) item EDP number of the manufacturer. If the EDP_NUMBER is used, it must be unique within a series and created for all items. |
D string P M [1:30] |
EAN_NUMBER optional Restriction of xs:string
If existing, the EAN number of the item must be entered in this element. |
D string P M [1:15] |
ITEM_IDENTIFICATION Restriction of xs:string
This element is used to assign an identifier to the article: B = Block E = Replacement part K = Catalogue item S = Special item M = Additional equipment Z = Configuration V = Settlement block P = Settlement position 1 = Planning proposal 2 = Preferred combination
The following applies for the planning proposal (1): The individual items in the piece list can accept the default values. There must not be any sub-positions that are only sub-positions and that cannot be ordered individually. Only the resulting items are ordered. The composition itself never shows in the order forms. The positions are eliminated and options passed down in the planning. The individual positions must then be positioned in the magnet planner in their order from left-to-right. Planning suggestions may contain preferred combinations.
The following rules apply to preferred combinations: It must not contain a planning suggestion. If a preferred combination is eliminated (e.g. by deleting a sub-position), the individual prices are newly determined for the individual positions, and the price advantage no longer applies. The pricing then takes place exclusively on main position level. |
D string P [BEKSMZVP12] M [1:1]
CATALOG_PAGE optional Restriction of xs:string
This element should be used to specify the item's catalogue page. This information helps to quickly find an item within the printed catalogue. Items may feature on multiple catalogue pages. In this case, the number of the page on which the item appears first should be used. In the case of accessories, it makes sense to use the page that contains a full description of the item. This is often done in the section/register "accessories". |
D string P M [1:7] |
VALID_FROM optional Restriction of xs:date
This element specifies the date on which the item becomes available for delivery. If this element is left blank, the CATALOG/VALID_FROM_DATE element will apply. Elements with the designation VALID_FROM must not contain a date prior to the catalogue start date. |
D date P M |
VALID_UNTIL optional Restriction of xs:date
This element specifies the date until which the item is available for delivery. If the date element is left blank, the item is available for delivery indefinitely. Elements with the designation VALID_UNTIL must not contain a date that is more than 10 years in the future from the catalogue date. The element must be left blank for an indefinite period. |
D date P M |
WEIGHT_BRUTTO optional Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
This element is used to specify the item gross weight (100 g), i.e. exclusive of packaging materials. (e.g. 50 = 5000 g) |
D nonNegativeInteger P M [0:9999] |
WEIGHT_NETTO optional Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
This element is used to specify the item net weight (100 g), i.e. including packaging material, i.e. exclusive of packaging materials. (e.g. 50 = 5000 g) |
D nonNegativeInteger P M [0:9999] |
VOLUME optional Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
This element is used to specify the item volume [dm³] including packaging material. (e.g. 50 = 50 dm³) |
D nonNegativeInteger P M [0:9999] |
MINIMUM_DELIVERY_TIME optional Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
This element is used to specify the minimum delivery time in weeks. The minimum delivery time is for information, the planning software does not interfere with the order controlling (e.g. postponement of the order, partial delivery) |
D nonNegativeInteger P M [0:999] |
This element is used to specify the basic shapes assigned to an item.
This element is used to enter the basic shape number. In addition to the assigned basic shape numbers, the following values are possible: 0 = Items that are irrelevant for visual presentation and/or for which the manufacturer prohibits visual presentation in the dealership system. If possible, the parameters for width, height and depth must be specified for items that are irrelevant for visual presentation. If there are no parameter values for items with basic shape = 0, parameters must be filled with a value of 0. If no parameters are specified for the basic shape, the BASIC_PROFILE node can be omitted in the place of specifying the basic shape parameters as 0. 997 = items for which neither a basic shape nor a real visual presentation are delivered. This requires the elements SUBCONTRACTOR_ID and SUBCONTRACTOR_ITEM_NO to be filled and the manufacturer must ensure that the supplier's graphical information is available. 996 = items that are relevant for visual presentation, but for which no graphical information are delivered. This basic shape no. only applies to filling levels lower than 3. This element must be filled if the BASIC_PROFILE_SHAPE is empty.
CARCASE_BASIC_SHAPE_NO required Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
This element is used to enter the basic shape number. In addition to the assigned basic shape numbers, the following values are possible: 0 = Items that are irrelevant for visual presentation and/or for which the manufacturer prohibits visual presentation in the dealership system. If possible, the parameters for width, height and depth must be specified for items that are irrelevant for visual presentation. If no parameters are specified for the basic shape, the BASIC_PROFILE node can be omitted in the place of specifying the basic shape parameters as 0. 999 = items that are relevant for visual presentation, but for which no basic shape exists and that are visualised by a graphic model (also see elementMODELING_GRAPHIC_ID). The parameters for width, height and depth must also be specified when using real visual presentations. Additionally, the elementsSERIES/SERIE/PRODUCT_GROUPS/PRODUCT_GROUP/ITEMS/ITEM/SUBCONTRACTOR_ID andSUBCONTRACTOR_ITEM_NO can be used to store information for this item. 998 = items for which there is no basic shape or real visual presentation. 997 = items for which neither a basic shape nor a real visual presentation are delivered. For this, the SUBCONTRACTOR_ID and SUBCONTRACTOR_ITEM_NO must be filled and the manufacturer must ensure that the supplier's graphical information is available. 996 = items that are relevant for visual presentation, but for which no graphical information are delivered. This basic shape no. only applies to filling levels lower than 3. This element must be filled if the BASIC_PROFILE_SHAPE is empty. |
D nonNegativeInteger P [0-9]|[1-4][0-9]|5[0-2]|99[2-9] M [0:999]
Here, a basic shape that describes the profile geometry is referenced. The dimensions of the profile must be specified in accordance with the parameters specified in the basic shape.
BASIC_PROFILE_SHAPE_NO required Restriction of xs:string
This element is used to specify the number of the basic profile shape. |
D string P [\S ]{1,5} M [1:5] |
The feature and option code for the profile shape option are specified here.
FEATURE_NO required Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
This attribute is used to specify a feature. |
D nonNegativeInteger P M [0:9999] |
OPTION_KEY required Restriction of xs:string
This attribute is used to reference an option that is to be assigned to a basic profile shape. |
D string P M [1:30] |
| | | |
This element is used to assign graphically relevant parameters with corresponding values to the item.
The item dimensions allowed for by the factory are described here. If item dimensions that fall outside of the specified dimension ranges are required, these will be custom-made products. Custom-made products must be coordinated with the manufacturer.
If the values in the elements BASIC_SHAPE_NOMINAL_VALUE (path 1), BASIC_SHAPE_FROM (path 1) and BASIC_SHAPE_TO (path 1) are identical, these parameters must be left unchanged, it is neither possible to change these parameters to custom-made product in the factory.
For items with a basic shape number = 0 that do not have any dimensions, such as calculation positions (e.g. surcharge for feet shape), the parameters must be filled with 0.
This element is used to specify the values of the parameters describing a basic shape. If an item that is not relevant for visual presentation is created and the item does not have any parameters, then the superordinate node BASIC_PROFILE BASIC_PROFILE can be omitted instead of filling the parameters with 0.
BASIC_SHAPE_NAME required Restriction of xs:string
This attribute is used to specify the parameter name. |
D string P [0-9a-zA-Z]{1,13} M [1:13] |
BASIC_SHAPE_NOMINAL_VALUE required Restriction of xs:decimal
Each parameter is assigned a fixed nominal value, and optionally a value pair (from, until). The variable parameters can, for example, be helpful for the mapping of permitted width reductions. The unit used for lengths is [mm] without any decimal places, for angles the unit is [°] with 3 digits before and 3 digits after the decimal sign. |
D decimal P M [0:999999] |
BASIC_SHAPE_FROM optional Restriction of xs:decimal
This element contains the smallest dimension available for delivery and must be filled if the item is flexible within this parameter's range. If the parameter is not flexible, the element must be left blank. |
D decimal P M [0:999999] |
BASIC_SHAPE_TO optional Restriction of xs:decimal
This field contains the largest dimension available for delivery and must be filled if the item is flexible within this parameter's range. If the parameter is not flexible, the field must be left blank. |
D decimal P M [0:999999] |
BASIC_SHAPE_STEP_SIZE optional Restriction of xs:decimal
Increments may be specified for variable parameters. The unit of measure is the unit of measure of the parameter. The increment must be smaller than the difference between the from and until value. |
D decimal P M [0:999999] |
| | | | | |
ITEM_DIMENSIONAL_DRAWING_NO required Restriction of xs:string
This element is used to specify a dimensional drawing for which the parameters are specified in the PARAMETERS element. The dimensional drawing describes additional items. Even if this element is not specified, at least the dimensions of the bounding box (b, h, t) must be specified in the BASIC_PROFILES/PARAMETERS element. The element must not be created if the BASIC_PROFILE_SHAPE already exists. |
D string P M [1:20] |
DOCUMENT_REFERENCE optional Restriction of xs:string
The name of a document or a reference to a document is specified in this field.
The documents may e.g. contain additional technical information about the installation or templates for cutouts and drilling. If only the document name is specified, the document must be delivered with the data. A document reference is specified for an URI/URL.
If a document reference is specified in this element, the NAME element must be set to 23. The value of 23 stands for document reference (see value tables). |
D string P M [1:240] |
This element is used to assign graphically relevant parameters with corresponding values to the item.
The item dimensions allowed for by the factory are described here. If item dimensions that fall outside of the specified dimension ranges are required, these will be custom-made products. Custom-made products must be coordinated with the manufacturer.
If the values in the elements DIMENSIONAL_NOMINAL_VALUE (path 1), DIMENSIONAL_FROM (path 1) and DIMENSIONAL_TO (path 1) are identical, these parameters must be left unchanged, it is neither possible to change these parameters to custom-made product in the factory.
If the created item is an electrical appliance, the dimensions B, H and T of that appliance must be specified.
Width, height and depth must also be specified, the planning systems use the term length (depending on the model key) for T=depth.
If absolutely necessary (e.g. for diagonal corner infill pieces), the values for basic shapes 21, 24 and 25 may be specified in 1/10 mm. Example: 27.33 mm => element volume: 0027,3
This element can only be omitted from an item if the item has basic shape number 0 assigned to it and no dimensions, such as for calculation positions (e.g. surcharge for handle).
This element is used to specify the values of the parameters describing a basic shape.
DIMENSIONAL_NAME required Restriction of xs:string
This attribute is used to specify the parameter name. |
D string P [0-9a-zA-Z]{1,13} M [1:13] |
DIMENSIONAL_NOMINAL_VALUE required Restriction of xs:decimal
Each parameter is assigned a fixed nominal value, and optionally a value pair (from, until). The variable parameters can, for example, be helpful for the mapping of permitted width reductions. The unit used for lengths is [mm] without any decimal places, for angles the unit is [°] with 3 digits before and 3 digits after the decimal sign. |
D decimal P M [0:999999] |
DIMENSIONAL_FROM optional Restriction of xs:decimal
This element contains the smallest dimension available for delivery and must be filled if the item is flexible within this parameter's range. If the parameter is not flexible, the element must be left blank. |
D decimal P M [0:999999] |
DIMENSIONAL_TO optional Restriction of xs:decimal
This field contains the largest dimension available for delivery and must be filled if the item is flexible within this parameter's range. If the parameter is not flexible, the field must be left blank. |
D decimal P M [0:999999] |
DIMENSIONAL_STEP_SIZE optional Restriction of xs:decimal
Increments may be specified for variable parameters. The unit of measure is the unit of measure of the parameter. The increment must be smaller than the difference between the from and until value. |
D decimal P M [0:999999] |
| | | | | | | | |
This element is used to define the item-specific texts. These may be long texts, short texts, as well as planning notes. At least one item text must be specified for each item.
The following text combinations are permitted: - Short text; - Short text + recommended text; - Short text + recommended text + long text; - Short text + long text (only if no recommended text is been stored).
The short text may consist of three lines.
410--0--NEW Version Beta 2.0 Build 2
ISO_LANGUAGE_ID required Restriction of xs:language
410--0--NEW Version Beta 2.0 Build 2, K. Richter 26.03.2014
410--0--NEW Version Beta 2.0 Build 5
SEQUENCE_NO required Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
410--0--NEW Version Beta 2.0 Build 5
TEXT Restriction of xs:string
410--6--Textzeile Version Beta 2.0 Build 5
| | | | | | |
FULL_TEXT optional languagetext Complex Type
Full text contains the complete description including the short text. The HTML tags bold and line break can be used within the full text. This element contains the full text in a CDATA node. The text must be specified in HTML format:
<b> |
bold font |
<br> |
line break |
This element is used to store texts in multiple languages. One element is created for each language. Language is specified in the attribute ISO_LANGUAGE_ID. The same languages must be specified for each element in the data pool.
ISO_LANGUAGE_ID required Restriction of xs:language
This attribute is used to specify the ISO code of the language in which the text is stored. |
D language P [A-Z]{2} M [2:2] |
TEXT xs:string
This element is used to store the text in the language specified in the LANGUAGE element of the ISO_LANGUAGE_ID attribute. |
D string P [\S ]{1,60} M [1:60] |
| | | | |
This element is used to store texts in multiple languages. One element is created for each language. Language is specified in the attribute ISO_LANGUAGE_ID. The same languages must be specified for each element in the data pool.
ISO_LANGUAGE_ID required Restriction of xs:language
This attribute is used to specify the ISO code of the language in which the text is stored. |
D language P [A-Z]{2} M [2:2] |
TEXT xs:string
This element is used to store the text in the language specified in the LANGUAGE element of the ISO_LANGUAGE_ID attribute. |
D string P [\S ]{1,60} M [1:60] |
| | | | | | |
This element is used to define the item's model code. The values for model codes can be found in a table in the introduction, section Model codeThe model code is specified precisely once for each item.
TK_TYPE Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
TK_CLASS optional Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
A value from colum type in table "model codes" is entered here. |
D nonNegativeInteger P 000|[146][0-7]0|2[0-6]0|3[0-4]0|[57][012]0|8[01]0 M [000:810] |
TK_INFO optional Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
A value from colum no. in table "Variation code" is entered here. |
D nonNegativeInteger P [0-8]0 M [00-80] |
| | |
This element is used to store standardized classification numbers.
This element is used to specify the eCl@ss classification.
ECLASS_NO Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
The 8-digit eCl@ss number, which corresponds to the 4th level of the eCl@ss classification, is assigned here.
D nonNegativeInteger P M [10000000:99999999] |
| | | | |
This element is used to specify detailed media information, such as milieu photos, PDFs or video links.
This element is used to directly assign precisely 1 option to the figure.
The assignment is done via DETAIL_INFO_NO and either RESTRICTION_NO or DECISION_NO, with only repertory rules permitted for the reference to a rule (DECISION).
This assignment must only be used for magnet planner figures (assignments).
Example: If a manufacturer offers functional versions (e.g. cross-sleepers) for an item, the manufacturer may store the different figures for this option here.
DETAIL_INFO_NO required Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This attribute is used to specify the identification number of the referenced detailed information. |
D positiveInteger P M [1:999999999] |
DECISION_NO optional Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This attribute is used to reference a rule. Only the identifier (DECISION_NO) must be specified within a preparation rule, there must not be any simultaneous referencing to an assessment (no value for RESTRICTION_NO). |
D positiveInteger P M [1:9999999999] |
| | | |
SALES_NUMBER optional Restriction of xs:string
If existing, the sale number of the item must be entered in this element. |
D string P M [1:30] |
PART_LIST_REF optional
This element references a piece list contained in an item.
The item passes on its options (OPTIONS) to the sub positions if these have identical features (FEATURES) in the feature class associated with the respective sub-position.
The sub-positions can have rules that determine whether a sub-position is displayed. The sub-position is then specified with the corresponding piece quantity.
Items that are only permitted as sub-positions are marked separately (element PARTS_LIST_EXCLUSIVE).
If the item is a catalogue item (ITEM_IDENTIFICATION 'K'), prices may be assigned to the item.The total price of the catalogue item results from the price assigned to it and the prices of the components from the piece list.
The following applies for the planning proposal (ITEM_IDENTIFICATION '1'): The individual items in the piece list can accept the default values. There must not be any sub-positions that are only sub-positions and that cannot be ordered individually. Only the resulting items are ordered. The composition itself never shows in the order forms. The positions are eliminated and options passed down in the planning. The individual positions must then be positioned in the magnet planner in their order from left-to-right. Planning suggestions may contain preferred combinations.
The following rules apply to preferred combinations (ITEM_IDENTIFICATION '2'): It must not contain a planning suggestion. If a preferred combination is eliminated (e.g. by deleting a sub-position), the individual prices are newly determined for the individual positions, and the price advantage no longer applies. The pricing then takes place exclusively on main position level.
PART_LIST_KEY required Restriction of xs:string
This attribute is used to specify the piece list key. |
D string P M [1:30] |
| |
PART_LIST_EXCLUSIVE optional Restriction of xs:boolean
This element is used to identify whether the item is only permitted as a sub position within a piece list (value set to 1 (true)). The value 0 (false) has the same meaning as no value at all. |
D boolean P M |
This element is used to combine item-specific characteristic features/properties.
PROPERTY_NO required Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
This attribute is used to reference a characteristic feature. |
D nonNegativeInteger P M [0:999] |
VALUE required Restriction of xs:string
This attribute is used to specify the value of the characteristic feature.
D string P ([3-9]?[A-Z]+\+*)|([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?) M |
| | | |
This element is used to specify the packaged pieces per item. An optimisation of packaged items for purchases is not possible.
The width, depth and height must be specified for each packaged item in full mm figures. The weight is specified in decimal kg.
Packaged items may be rule-based, i.e. depending on options, e.g. when drawers or mirrors are added as an option then this triggers a new packaged item. The option for a new packaged item should only be used in simple cases.This means that each element of the list of packaged items can also make reference to rules.
The properties of a packaged item on the list are specified here.
SEQUENCE_NO required Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This element serves the purpose of an assigning unique number within the list. |
D positiveInteger P M |
ISO_LANGUAGE_ID required Restriction of xs:language
This attribute is used to specify the ISO code of the language in which the text is stored. |
D language P [A-Z]{2} M [2:2] |
TEXT Restriction of xs:string
This element is used to store the text in the language specified in the LANGUAGE element of the ISO_LANGUAGE_ID attribute. |
D string P [\S ]{1,60} M [1:60] |
| | | | |
This element is used to store texts in multiple languages. One element is created for each language. Language is specified in the attribute ISO_LANGUAGE_ID. The same languages must be specified for each element in the data pool.
ISO_LANGUAGE_ID required Restriction of xs:language
This attribute is used to specify the ISO code of the language in which the text is stored. |
D language P [A-Z]{2} M [2:2] |
TEXT xs:string
This element is used to store the text in the language specified in the LANGUAGE element of the ISO_LANGUAGE_ID attribute. |
D string P [\S ]{1,60} M [1:60] |
| | | | |
WIDTH Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
The width is specified in this element.
D nonNegativeInteger P M [0:9999] |
DEPTH Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
The depth is specified in this element.
D nonNegativeInteger P M [0:9999] |
HEIGHT Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
The height is specified in this element.
D nonNegativeInteger P M [0:9999] |
WEIGHT xs:decimal
The weight is specified in this element.
D decimal P M |
EAN_NUMBER optional Restriction of xs:string
The EAN number is specified in this element.
D string P M [1:15] |
MATERIAL_NUMBER optional Restriction of xs:string
The material number is specified in this element.
D string P M [1:15] |
DECISIONS optional
Packaged items may be rule-based, i.e. depending on options, e.g. when drawers or mirrors are added as an option then this triggers a new packaged item. The option for a new packaged item should only be used in simple cases.This means that each element of the list of packaged items can also make reference to rules.
This element is used to reference rules.
This element is used to reference a rule assigned to a list of packaged items.
DECISION_NO required Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This attribute is used to reference a rule. |
D positiveInteger P M [1:9999999999] |
| | | | | | | | | | | |