IDMW 2.0 XML-Schema Dokumentation
IDMW 2.0 XML-Schema Dokumentation > T_NEW_CATALOG Element > SERIES Element > SERIE Element > PRODUCT_GROUPS Element > PRODUCT_GROUP Element > ITEMS Element > ITEM Element : CATALOG_PAGE Element
This element should be used to specify the item's catalogue page. This information helps to quickly find an item within the printed catalogue.
Items may feature on multiple catalogue pages. In this case, the number of the page on which the item appears first should be used. In the case of accessories, it makes sense to use the page that contains a full description of the item. This is often done in the section/register "accessories".
   D   string
   M   [1:7]
Namespace (none)
Restriction of xs:string
CATALOG_PAGE optional Restriction of xs:string
This element should be used to specify the item's catalogue page. This information helps to quickly find an item within the printed catalogue.
Items may feature on multiple catalogue pages. In this case, the number of the page on which the item appears first should be used. In the case of accessories, it makes sense to use the page that contains a full description of the item. This is often done in the section/register "accessories".
   D   string
   M   [1:7]
<xs:element name="CATALOG_PAGE" minOccurs="0" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 0</xs:documentation>
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:minLength value="1" />
      <xs:maxLength value="7" />
See Also
ITEM ElementITEMS ElementPRODUCT_GROUP ElementPRODUCT_GROUPS ElementSERIE ElementSERIES ElementT_NEW_CATALOG ElementIDMW 2.0 XML-Schema Dokumentation