IDMW 2.0 XML-Schema Dokumentation
TYPE_KEY Element
IDMW 2.0 XML-Schema Dokumentation > T_NEW_CATALOG Element > SERIES Element > SERIE Element > PRODUCT_GROUPS Element > PRODUCT_GROUP Element > ITEMS Element > ITEM Element : TYPE_KEY Element
This element is used to define the item's model code.

The values for model codes can be found in a table in the introduction, section Model code

The model code is specified precisely once for each item.
Namespace (none)
TK_INFO Element TK_CLASS Element TK_TYPE Element Sequence TYPE_KEY Element
This element is used to define the item's model code.

The values for model codes can be found in a table in the introduction, section Model code

The model code is specified precisely once for each item.
TK_TYPE Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
A value from the column no. intable "model code" in the introduction is entered here.    D   poisitiveInteger
   M   [1000:2000]
TK_CLASS optional Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
A value from colum type in table "model codes" is entered here.    D   nonNegativeInteger
   P   000|[146][0-7]0|2[0-6]0|3[0-4]0|[57][012]0|8[01]0
   M   [000:810]
TK_INFO optional Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
A value from colum no. in table "Variation code" is entered here.    D   nonNegativeInteger
   P   [0-8]0
   M   [00-80]
<xs:element name="TYPE_KEY" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 0</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="TK_TYPE" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
          <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">3 stufiger Schlüssel laut Sitzung am 10.06.2015 /ba</xs:documentation>
          <xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger">
            <xs:maxInclusive value="2000" />
            <xs:minInclusive value="1000" />
      <xs:element name="TK_CLASS" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation xml:lang="de">Drehtür, Lade, Klappe...</xs:documentation>
          <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
            <xs:pattern value="000|[146][0-7]0|2[0-6]0|3[0-4]0|[57][012]0|8[01]0" />
      <xs:element name="TK_INFO" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation xml:lang="de">Info füber Art der Type z.B. Einzelelement, Anbauelement, Unterteil...</xs:documentation>
          <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 0</xs:documentation>
          <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
            <xs:pattern value="[0-8]0" />
See Also
ITEM ElementITEMS ElementPRODUCT_GROUP ElementPRODUCT_GROUPS ElementSERIE ElementSERIES ElementT_NEW_CATALOG ElementIDMW 2.0 XML-Schema Dokumentation