IDMW 2.0 XML-Schema Dokumentation

This element is used to specify price control information. The PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP is used to control the conditions under which a price (e.g. feature combinations) applies.

A PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP is referenced by the item. The specific prices are also specified in the item.

The following rules apply to PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP and/or items:
- Price group-neutral items can have options that are price-neutral. Their price must not be stated in price field 1, and they must only have one FINISHED element for the price field information. Price field-independent items for which only one FINISH element, in which the price is specified, exists in the PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP are only permitted to have one assigned price in accordance with the FINISH element specified in the price field.

- Variation-dependent items have one or a number of features.
- An item must reference precisely one base price group (ADDITIONAL_PRICE=0).

The creation of multiple PRICE_FEATURE_GROUPs with the same combination of features are permitted.

Namespace (none)

This element is used to specify price control information. The PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP is used to control the conditions under which a price (e.g. feature combinations) applies.

A PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP is referenced by the item. The specific prices are also specified in the item.

The following rules apply to PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP and/or items:
- Price group-neutral items can have options that are price-neutral. Their price must not be stated in price field 1, and they must only have one FINISHED element for the price field information. Price field-independent items for which only one FINISH element, in which the price is specified, exists in the PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP are only permitted to have one assigned price in accordance with the FINISH element specified in the price field.

- Variation-dependent items have one or a number of features.
- An item must reference precisely one base price group (ADDITIONAL_PRICE=0).

The creation of multiple PRICE_FEATURE_GROUPs with the same combination of features are permitted.

PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP_NO required Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This attribute is used to unequivocally identify a PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP.    D   postiveInteger
   M   [1:99999]
ADDITIONAL_PRICE required Restriction of xs:boolean
Identifier whether the specified price is a base price or a surcharge. (0 = base price, 1 = additional price).
   D   boolean
PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP_TEXT languagetext60 Complex Type
This element contains texts for variation groups.
ISO_LANGUAGE_ID required Restriction of xs:language
This attribute is used to specify the ISO code of the language in which the text is stored.    D   language
   P   [A-Z]{2}
   M   [2:2]
TEXT Restriction of xs:string
This element is used to store the text in the language specified in the LANGUAGE element of the ISO_LANGUAGE_ID attribute.    D   string
   P   [\S ]{1,60}
   M   [1:60]
This element is used to assign price fields (PRICE_FIELD) and a manufacturer price group to valid feature combinations.
SEQUENCE required Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
This element is used to specify the sequence in which the analyses will be executed. These configurators must in this order run through the individual elements of OPTION_SET_REF. The price group is determined by the first matching feature combination.    D   nonNegativeInteger
   M   [1:99999]

This element is used to reference a feature and define a price group for its feature classes. The price groups may be defined via values, lists, intervals or feature groups in conjunction with a quantity operator.

The simple data type operator was defined for this purpose and may contain the following values:

eq (equal)
ne (not equal)
in (is contained in a quantity)
nin (is not contained in a quantity)
gt (greater)
lt (less)
ge (greater than or equal)
le (less than or equal)

FEATURE_NO required Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
This attribute is used to reference a feature.    D   nonNegativeInteger
   M   [0:999]

This element is used to evaluate whether an option falls within or outside of an interval. 

Element OPTION_INTERVAL observes: OPTION_KEY_MIN <= assessed value <= OPTION_KEY_MAX.

OPERATOR required Restriction of operator Simple Type

This attribute is used to evaluate whether an option is within or without the interval specified in OPTION_KEY_MIN and OPTION_KEY_MAX.

in (is contained in a quantity)

nin (is not contained in a quantity)

   D   operator
   P   in|nin
OPTION_KEY_MIN required Restriction of xs:string

This attribute is used to specify the starting value of the interval.


   D   string
   M   [1:30]
OPTION_KEY_MAX required Restriction of xs:string
This attribute is used to specify the end value of the interval.    D   string
   M   [1:30]
This element is used to evaluate whether an option corresponds to a value in a list.
OPERATOR required Restriction of operator Simple Type

This attribute is used to evaluate whether an option falls within or without a list of values.

in (is contained in a quantity)

nin (is not contained in a quantity)

   D   operator
   P   in|nin
Sequence 1..∞
This element is used to reference the options in a comparison list.
OPTION_KEY required Restriction of xs:string
This attribute is used to reference an option.    D   string
   M   [1:30]
This element is used to evaluate whether an option falls within a feature group.
OPTION_GROUP_KEY required Restriction of xs:string
This attribute is used to reference a feature group.    D   string
   M   [1:30]
OPERATOR required Restriction of operator Simple Type

This attribute is used to evaluate whether an option falls within a feature group.

in (is contained in a quantity)

nin (is not contained in a quantity)

   D   operator
   P   in|nin

This element is used to define a comparison with an option.

The comparison operator may contain the following values:

eq (equal)
ne (not equal)
gt (greater)
lt (less)
ge (greater than or equal)
le (less than or equal)

OPTION_KEY required Restriction of xs:string
This attribute is used to reference an option.    D   string
   M   [1:30]
OPERATOR required Restriction of operator Simple Type
This attribute is used to define a comparison with an option.

The comparison operator may contain the following values:

eq (equal)
ne (not equal)
gt (greater)
lt (less)
ge (greater than or equal)
le (less than or equal)

   D   operator
   P   eq|ne|gt|lt|ge|le
This element is used to check the dimension of an option using another dimension.
MEASURE_VALUE required xs:nonNegativeInteger

This attribute is used to specify the comparison dimension.


   D   nonNegativeInteger
OPERATOR required Restriction of operator Simple Type
This attribute is used to define a comparison with a dimension.

The comparison operator may contain the following values:

 eq (equal)
ne (not equal)
gt (greater)
lt (less)
ge (greater than or equal)
le (less than or equal)

   D   operator
   P   eq|ne|gt|lt|ge|le
This element is used to evaluate whether an option's dimension falls within or outside of an interval.
OPERATOR required Restriction of operator Simple Type

This attribute is used to evaluate whether a value is within the interval specified in MEASURE_MIN and MEASURE_MAX.

in (is contained in a quantity)

nin (is not contained in a quantity)

   D   operator
   P   in|nin
MEASURE_MIN required xs:nonNegativeInteger

This attribute is used to specify the starting value of the interval.

   D   nonNegativeInteger
MEASURE_MAX required xs:nonNegativeInteger
This attribute is used to specify the end value of the interval.    D   nonNegativeInteger
PRICE_FIELD Restriction of xs:positiveInteger

These element specifies the price field in which the price of an item in this variation is specified. The corresponding price field with the associated price is specified in the ITEM_PREIS elements (path 1 or path 2).

In the case of the same catalogue being used across different customer groups, the price group allocations must not be changed. The same applies to correction files within the same product round.
Element paths


   D   positiveInteger
   M   [1:9999]
SUPPLIER_PRICE_GROUP Restriction of xs:string
This catalogue is used to specify the manufacturer's price group.
   D   string
   M   [1:10]
VALID_FROM optional Restriction of xs:date
This element is used to specify the date from which date onwards a price field is valid.    D   date
VALID_UNTIL optional Restriction of xs:date
This element is used to specify the date until which a price field is valid.    D   date
To allow for percentage surcharges, the element FINISH supplemented below PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP by the element PERCENTAGE_SURCHARGE consisting of OPTION_REF, PRICE_FACTOR, PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP_REF, VALID_FROM and VALID_UNTIL.
This element must only be used for PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP's for which the attribute ADDITIONAL_PRICE is set to 1 (1=surcharge).  
The percentage surcharge may refer to different PRICE_FEATURE_GROUPs:

Case 1

Base price 500.00

Surcharge headrest 50.00

Surcharge function 66.00

Surcharge seat heating 10% of base price --> factor 0.1 * 500 = 50

Surcharge rapport base price 10% of base price + headrest --> factor 0.1 * (500+50) = 55

Surcharge XY 20% on everything --> factor 0.2 * (500+50+66+50+55) = 144.20

Position value = 865.20


Case 2

Base price 500.00

Surcharge seat heating 10% of base price --> factor 0.1 * 500 = 50

Position value = 550.00


Case 3

Base price 500.00

Surcharge headrest 50.00

Surcharge function 66.00

Surcharge XY 20% of base price + headrest + function --> factor 0.2 * (500+50+66)=123.20

Position value = 739.20


Case 4

Base price 500.00

Surcharge headrest 50.00

Surcharge function 66.00

Surcharge XY 20% of ( base price + headrest + function ) --> factor 0.2 * (500+50+66)=123.20

Surcharge ZZ -10% of ( base price + function ) --> factor 0.1 * (500+66)=56.60

Position value = 682.60


Case 5

Base price 500.00

Surcharge headrest 50.00

Surcharge function 66.00

Condition value 616.00


Surcharge Global1 10% on everything --> factor 0.1 * 616 results in condition value = 61.60

Surcharge Global2 20% on everything --> factor 0.2 * 616 results in condition value = 123.20

Position value = 800.80


The factor value must be specified in the PRICE_FACTOR element.

The price groups to which the percentage surcharge relates are specified under PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP_REF.

The validity is specified in the VALID_FROM and VALID_UNTIL elements.




Position value = 800.80
SEQUENCE required Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
This element is used to specify the sequence in which the analyses will be executed. These configurators must in this order run through the individual elements of OPTION_SET_REF. The percentage surcharge is determined by the first matching feature combination.    D   nonNegativeInteger
   M   [1:99999]

This element is used to reference a feature and defines a percentage surcharge for its feature classes. The percentage surcharges may be defined via values, lists, intervals or feature groups in conjunction with a quantity operator.

The simple data type operator was defined for this purpose and may contain the following values:

eq (equal)
ne (not equal)
in (is contained in a quantity)
nin (is not contained in a quantity)
gt (greater)
lt (less)
ge (greater than or equal)
le (less than or equal)

FEATURE_NO required Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
This attribute is used to reference a feature.    D   nonNegativeInteger
   M   [0:999]

This element is used to evaluate whether an option falls within or outside of an interval.

Element OPTION_INTERVAL observes: OPTION_KEY_MIN <= assessed value <= OPTION_KEY_MAX.

OPERATOR required Restriction of operator Simple Type

This attribute is used to evaluate whether an option is within or without the interval specified in OPTION_KEY_MIN and OPTION_KEY_MAX.

in (is contained in a quantity)

nin (is not contained in a quantity)

   D   operator
   P   in|nin
OPTION_KEY_MIN required Restriction of xs:string

This attribute is used to specify the starting value of the interval.


   D   string
   M   [1:30]
OPTION_KEY_MAX required Restriction of xs:string
This attribute is used to specify the end value of the interval.    D   string
   M   [1:30]
This element is used to evaluate whether an option corresponds to a value in a list.
OPERATOR required Restriction of operator Simple Type

This attribute is used to evaluate whether an option falls within or without a list of values.

in (is contained in a quantity)

nin (is not contained in a quantity)

   D   operator
   P   in|nin
Sequence 1..∞
This element is used to reference the options in a comparison list.
OPTION_KEY required Restriction of xs:string
This attribute is used to reference an option.    D   string
   M   [1:30]
This element is used to evaluate whether an option falls within a feature group.
OPTION_GROUP_KEY required Restriction of xs:string
This attribute is used to reference a feature group.    D   string
   M   [1:30]
OPERATOR required Restriction of operator Simple Type

This attribute is used to evaluate whether an option falls within a feature group.

in (is contained in a quantity)

nin (is not contained in a quantity)

   D   operator
   P   in|nin

This element is used to define a comparison with an option.

The comparison operator may contain the following values:


eq (equal)

ne (not equal)

gt (greater)

lt (less)

ge (greater than or equal)

le (less than or equal)

OPTION_KEY required Restriction of xs:string
This attribute is used to reference an option.    D   string
   M   [1:30]
OPERATOR required Restriction of operator Simple Type
This attribute is used to define a comparison with an option.

The comparison operator may contain the following values:

eq (equal)

ne (not equal)

gt (greater)

lt (less)

ge (greater than or equal)

le (less than or equal)

   D   operator
   P   eq|ne|gt|lt|ge|le
This element is used to check the dimension of an option using another dimension.
MEASURE_VALUE required xs:nonNegativeInteger

This attribute is used to specify the comparison dimension.


   D   nonNegativeInteger
OPERATOR required Restriction of operator Simple Type
This attribute is used to define a comparison with a dimension.

The comparison operator may contain the following values:

eq (equal)

ne (not equal)

gt (greater)

lt (less)

ge (greater than or equal)

le (less than or equal)

   D   operator
   P   eq|ne|gt|lt|ge|le
This element is used to evaluate whether an option's dimension falls within or outside of an interval.
OPERATOR required Restriction of operator Simple Type

This attribute is used to evaluate whether a value is within the interval specified in MEASURE_MIN and MEASURE_MAX.

in (is contained in a quantity)

nin (is not contained in a quantity)

   D   operator
   P   in|nin
MEASURE_MIN required xs:nonNegativeInteger

This attribute is used to specify the starting value of the interval.

   D   nonNegativeInteger
MEASURE_MAX required xs:nonNegativeInteger
This attribute is used to specify the end value of the interval.    D   nonNegativeInteger
PRICE_FACTOR Restriction of xs:int

This element specifies a percentage surcharge. It is specified as a factor with five decimal places.

A value of 1050000 corresponds to a surcharge of 10.5%.

A value of -1000000 corresponds to a surcharge of -10%.

   D   int
   M   [-9999999:99999999]
This element is used to reference a price group irrespective of the feature and/or calculation method (PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP).
PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP_NO required Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This attribute is used to reference a PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP.    D   postiveInteger
   M   [1:99999]
VALID_FROM optional Restriction of xs:date
This element is used to specify the date from which date onwards a percentage surcharge is valid.    D   date
VALID_UNTIL optional Restriction of xs:date
This element is used to specify the date until a percentage surcharge is valid.    D   date
PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP_NORestriction of xs:positiveIntegerrequired  
This attribute is used to unequivocally identify a PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP.    D   postiveInteger
   M   [1:99999]
ADDITIONAL_PRICERestriction of xs:booleanrequired  
Identifier whether the specified price is a base price or a surcharge. (0 = base price, 1 = additional price).
   D   boolean

<xs:element name="PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP" maxOccurs="unbounded" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 6</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP_TEXT" type="languagetext60">
          <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 0</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="FINISH" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element name="OPTIONS_SET_REF" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>umbenannt von FEATURE_REF in OPTIONS_SET_REF</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:documentation>K. Richter, 12.02.2015</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:element name="OPTION_INTERVAL">
                        <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="OPERATOR" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">eigener Typ Operator
"IN" und "NIN" möglich
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>17.01.2013 - Version 2.2.5 Polsterbranche - von 5 auf 30stellig geändert</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="operator">
                              <xs:pattern value="in|nin" />
                        <xs:attribute name="OPTION_KEY_MIN" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 3</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                              <xs:minLength value="1" />
                              <xs:maxLength value="30" />
                        <xs:attribute name="OPTION_KEY_MAX" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 3</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                              <xs:minLength value="1" />
                              <xs:maxLength value="30" />
                    <xs:element name="OPTION_LIST">
                        <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
                          <xs:element name="OPTION_REF">
                              <xs:attribute name="OPTION_KEY" use="required">
                                  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                                    <xs:minLength value="1" />
                                    <xs:maxLength value="30" />
                        <xs:attribute name="OPERATOR" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">eigener Typ Operator "IN" und "NOTIN" möglich</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="operator">
                              <xs:pattern value="in|nin" />
                    <xs:element name="OPTION_GROUP_REF_OP">
                        <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="OPTION_GROUP_KEY" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>17.01.2013 - Version 2.2.5 Polsterbranche - von 5 auf 30stellig geändert</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                              <xs:minLength value="1" />
                              <xs:maxLength value="30" />
                        <xs:attribute name="OPERATOR" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">eigener Typ Operator
hier sind nur "IN" und "NOTIN" möglich, da es sich um eine Mengenoperation handelt
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>17.01.2013 - Version 2.2.5 Polsterbranche - von 5 auf 30stellig geändert</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="operator">
                              <xs:pattern value="in|nin" />
                    <xs:element name="OPTION_REF_OP">
                        <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="OPTION_KEY" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>17.01.2013 - Version 2.2.5 Polsterbranche - von 5 auf 30stellig geändert</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                              <xs:minLength value="1" />
                              <xs:maxLength value="30" />
                        <xs:attribute name="OPERATOR" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">eigener Typ Operator

                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>17.01.2013 - Version 2.2.5 Polsterbranche - von 5 auf 30stellig geändert</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="operator">
                              <xs:pattern value="eq|ne|gt|lt|ge|le" />
                    <xs:element name="MEASURE_VALUE_OP">
                        <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.4 Build 1</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:documentation>01.07.2014 K. Richter</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="MEASURE_VALUE" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.4 Build 1</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>01.07.2014 K. Richter</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="OPERATOR" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">eigener Typ Operator</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.4 Build 1</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="operator">
                              <xs:pattern value="eq|ne|gt|lt|ge|le" />
                    <xs:element name="MEASURE_INTERVAL">
                        <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.4 Build 1</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:documentation>01.07.2014 K. Richter</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="OPERATOR" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">eigener Typ Operator "IN" und "NIN" möglich </xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.4 Build 1</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="operator">
                              <xs:pattern value="in|nin" />
                        <xs:attribute name="MEASURE_MIN" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.4 Build 1</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>01.07.2014 K. Richter</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="MEASURE_MAX" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.4 Build 1</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>01.07.2014 K. Richter</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:attribute name="FEATURE_NO" use="required">
                      <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                      <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
                        <xs:minInclusive value="0" />
                        <xs:maxInclusive value="999" />
              <xs:element name="PRICE_FIELD">
                  <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 0, K. Richter 28.05.2014</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger">
                    <xs:minInclusive value="1" />
                    <xs:maxInclusive value="9999" />
              <xs:element name="SUPPLIER_PRICE_GROUP">
                  <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 0</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                    <xs:minLength value="1" />
                    <xs:maxLength value="10" />
              <xs:element name="VALID_FROM" minOccurs="0">
                  <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">21.07.2011/balke - Polsterbranche Lieferbar ab</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">Version Beta 2.1 Build 07</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:restriction base="xs:date" />
              <xs:element name="VALID_UNTIL" minOccurs="0">
                  <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">21.07.2011/balke - Polsterbranche Lieferbar bis</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">Version Beta 2.1 Build 7</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:restriction base="xs:date" />
            <xs:attribute name="SEQUENCE" use="required">
                <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 0</xs:documentation>
                <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
                  <xs:minInclusive value="1" />
                  <xs:maxInclusive value="99999" />
        <xs:element name="PERCENTAGE_SURCHARGE" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>geändert K.Richter 23.11.2015</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element name="OPTIONS_SET_REF" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>umbenannt von FEATURE_REF in OPTIONS_SET_REF</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:documentation>K. Richter, 12.02.2015</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:element name="OPTION_INTERVAL">
                        <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="OPERATOR" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">eigener Typ Operator
"IN" und "NIN" möglich
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>17.01.2013 - Version 2.2.5 Polsterbranche - von 5 auf 30stellig geändert</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="operator">
                              <xs:pattern value="in|nin" />
                        <xs:attribute name="OPTION_KEY_MIN" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 3</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                              <xs:minLength value="1" />
                              <xs:maxLength value="30" />
                        <xs:attribute name="OPTION_KEY_MAX" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 3</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                              <xs:minLength value="1" />
                              <xs:maxLength value="30" />
                    <xs:element name="OPTION_LIST">
                        <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
                          <xs:element name="OPTION_REF">
                              <xs:attribute name="OPTION_KEY" use="required">
                                  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                                    <xs:minLength value="1" />
                                    <xs:maxLength value="30" />
                        <xs:attribute name="OPERATOR" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">eigener Typ Operator "IN" und "NOTIN" möglich</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="operator">
                              <xs:pattern value="in|nin" />
                    <xs:element name="OPTION_GROUP_REF_OP">
                        <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="OPTION_GROUP_KEY" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>17.01.2013 - Version 2.2.5 Polsterbranche - von 5 auf 30stellig geändert</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                              <xs:minLength value="1" />
                              <xs:maxLength value="30" />
                        <xs:attribute name="OPERATOR" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">eigener Typ Operator
hier sind nur "IN" und "NOTIN" möglich, da es sich um eine Mengenoperation handelt
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>17.01.2013 - Version 2.2.5 Polsterbranche - von 5 auf 30stellig geändert</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="operator">
                              <xs:pattern value="in|nin" />
                    <xs:element name="OPTION_REF_OP">
                        <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="OPTION_KEY" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>17.01.2013 - Version 2.2.5 Polsterbranche - von 5 auf 30stellig geändert</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                              <xs:minLength value="1" />
                              <xs:maxLength value="30" />
                        <xs:attribute name="OPERATOR" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">eigener Typ Operator

                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>17.01.2013 - Version 2.2.5 Polsterbranche - von 5 auf 30stellig geändert</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="operator">
                              <xs:pattern value="eq|ne|gt|lt|ge|le" />
                    <xs:element name="MEASURE_VALUE_OP">
                        <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.4 Build 1</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:documentation>01.07.2014 K. Richter</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="MEASURE_VALUE" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.4 Build 1</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>01.07.2014 K. Richter</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="OPERATOR" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">eigener Typ Operator</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.4 Build 1</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="operator">
                              <xs:pattern value="eq|ne|gt|lt|ge|le" />
                    <xs:element name="MEASURE_INTERVAL">
                        <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.4 Build 1</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:documentation>01.07.2014 K. Richter</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="OPERATOR" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">eigener Typ Operator "IN" und "NIN" möglich </xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.4 Build 1</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="operator">
                              <xs:pattern value="in|nin" />
                        <xs:attribute name="MEASURE_MIN" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.4 Build 1</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>01.07.2014 K. Richter</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:attribute name="MEASURE_MAX" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required">
                            <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.4 Build 1</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:documentation>01.07.2014 K. Richter</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:attribute name="FEATURE_NO" use="required">
                      <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 4</xs:documentation>
                      <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
                        <xs:minInclusive value="0" />
                        <xs:maxInclusive value="999" />
              <xs:element name="PRICE_FACTOR">
                  <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 0, K. Richter 28.05.2014</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:restriction base="xs:int">
                    <xs:maxInclusive value="99999999" />
                    <xs:minInclusive value="-9999999" />
              <xs:element name="PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP_REF" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 0</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:attribute name="PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP_NO" use="required">
                      <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 6, K. Richter 26.03.2014</xs:documentation>
                      <xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger">
                        <xs:minInclusive value="1" />
                        <xs:maxInclusive value="99999" />
              <xs:element name="VALID_FROM" minOccurs="0">
                  <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">21.07.2011/balke - Polsterbranche Lieferbar ab</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">Version Beta 2.1 Build 07</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:restriction base="xs:date" />
              <xs:element name="VALID_UNTIL" minOccurs="0">
                  <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">21.07.2011/balke - Polsterbranche Lieferbar bis</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">Version Beta 2.1 Build 7</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:restriction base="xs:date" />
            <xs:attribute name="SEQUENCE" use="required">
                <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 0</xs:documentation>
                <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
                  <xs:minInclusive value="1" />
                  <xs:maxInclusive value="99999" />
    <xs:attribute name="PRICE_FEATURE_GROUP_NO" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 6, K. Richter 26.03.2014</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger">
          <xs:minInclusive value="1" />
          <xs:maxInclusive value="99999" />
    <xs:attribute name="ADDITIONAL_PRICE" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 6</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:boolean" />
See Also