IDMW 2.0 XML-Schema Dokumentation
IDMW 2.0 XML-Schema Dokumentation > T_NEW_CATALOG Element > GLOBAL_DEFINITION Element : DETAIL_INFOS Element
This element is used to specify detailed information.
Namespace (none)
DETAIL_INFO Element Sequence DETAIL_INFOS Element
This element is used to specify detailed information.
This element is used to specify URLs to detailed information.
DETAIL_INFO_NO required Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This attribute identifies a detailed information.    D   positiveInteger
   M   [1:999999999]
CLASSIFICATION Restriction of xs:string
This element is used to classify detailed information.

   D   string
INFO_TYPE Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This element is here to describe the type of detailed information.
The values that can be assigned to the information types can be found in the correspondingtable in the introduction.      
   D   positiveInteger
   M   [1:15]
EXTERNAL_NAME optional languagetext Complex Type
This element contains the display name of the link (e.g. "sketch 4711").
This element is used to store texts in multiple languages. One element is created for each language. Language is specified in the attribute ISO_LANGUAGE_ID. The same languages must be specified for each element in the data pool.
ISO_LANGUAGE_ID required Restriction of xs:language
This attribute is used to specify the ISO code of the language in which the text is stored.    D   language
   P   [A-Z]{2}
   M   [2:2]
TEXT xs:string
This element is used to store the text in the language specified in the LANGUAGE element of the ISO_LANGUAGE_ID attribute.    D   string
   P   [\S ]{1,60}
   M   [1:60]
INTERNAL_NAME optional languagetext40 Complex Type
A more detailed description of the link can be included here.

This information is not intended for disclosure to the dealership, but to provide further information to the software houses.
This element is used to store texts in multiple languages. One element is created for each language. Language is specified in the attribute ISO_LANGUAGE_ID. The same languages must be specified for each element in the data pool. They must be identical to the ISO_LANGUAGE_ID elements under T_NEW_CATALOG/CATALOG/CATALOG_IDENTIFICATION.
ISO_LANGUAGE_ID required Restriction of xs:language
This attribute is used to specify the ISO code of the language in which the text is stored.    D   language
   P   [A-Z]{2}
   M   [2:2]
TEXT Restriction of xs:string
This element is used to store the text in the language specified in the LANGUAGE element of the ISO_LANGUAGE_ID attribute.    D   string
   P   [\S ]{1,40}
   M   [1:40]
TOOL_TIP optional languagetext Complex Type

This element contains the text for a link note.

This element is used to store texts in multiple languages. One element is created for each language. Language is specified in the attribute ISO_LANGUAGE_ID. The same languages must be specified for each element in the data pool.
ISO_LANGUAGE_ID required Restriction of xs:language
This attribute is used to specify the ISO code of the language in which the text is stored.    D   language
   P   [A-Z]{2}
   M   [2:2]
TEXT xs:string
This element is used to store the text in the language specified in the LANGUAGE element of the ISO_LANGUAGE_ID attribute.    D   string
   P   [\S ]{1,60}
   M   [1:60]
This element specifies the URL to the detailed information.
This element allows for the specification of texts in multiple languages. One element is created for each language. Language is specified in the attribute ISO_LANGUAGE_ID. The same languages must be specified for each element in the data pool.
ISO_LANGUAGE_ID required Restriction of xs:language
This attribute specifies the ISO code of the stored text's language.    D   language
   P   [A-Z]{2}
   M   [2:2]
TEXT xs:anyURI
This element is used to store the URI for the language specified in the LANGUAGE element of the ISO_LANGUAGE_ID attribute.    D   anyURI
   M  [1:1024] 
HASH_VALUE Restriction of xs:string
The image is displayed in encrypted form here.The HASH_VALUE must have exactly 32 characters and must be MD5-encrypted.
This will enable any service provider to determine whether the image has already been downloaded or not.
   D   string
   M   [32:32]
LAYER optional Restriction of xs:positiveInteger

This element is used to place add-on items, e.g. headrests.

This element is only allowed for SVG files.

Within the outline type of a SVG, the following applies:

There is no overlapping of any areas designated by our clients within the same layer.

The following values apply to the element:

10 Carpet

20 Sofa/furniture/table (default value)

30 Cushion

40 Decorative cushion

50 Headrest

60 Plate/ throw

   D   positiveInteger
   P   [1-6]0
   M   [10:60]
<xs:element name="DETAIL_INFOS" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" xmlns:xs="">
      <xs:element name="DETAIL_INFO" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element name="CLASSIFICATION">
                <xs:restriction base="xs:string" />
            <xs:element name="INFO_TYPE">
                <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">Version 2.3 
01.07.2013 Hermann Balke
1 = Milieufoto
2 = Artikelpictogramm (Type/Artikelübersicht)
3 = Magnetplanerzeichnung (SVGs in Draufsicht)
4 = Variante Foto
5 = Variante Front(Fronttextur, ....) 
6 = Logo Hersteller/Produktmarke
7 = Farbberatung (über ein Prüfverfahren werden die Varianten definiert)
8 = Materialpass (PDF an den Fronten)
9 = Modellbeschreibungsblätter (PDF unterhalb der Serie)
10 = Montageanleitung
11 = Marketing
12 = diverse 
13 = Farbberatung Wand
14 = Farbberatung Boden
15 = Artikelpictogramm Ansicht                                                    
                <xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger">
                  <xs:maxInclusive value="15" />
            <xs:element name="EXTERNAL_NAME" type="languagetext" minOccurs="0">
            <xs:element name="INTERNAL_NAME" type="languagetext40" minOccurs="0">
            <xs:element name="TOOL_TIP" type="languagetext" minOccurs="0">
            <xs:element name="URL">
                  <xs:element name="LANGUAGE" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        <xs:element name="TEXT" type="xs:anyURI">
                        <xs:element name="HASH_VALUE">
                            <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">Hier wird das Bild verschlüsselt dargestellt.
Somit kann jeder Dienstleister feststellen, ob das Bild schonmal heruntergeladen wurde oder nicht.
14.02.2013 /Balke</xs:documentation>
                            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                              <xs:minLength value="32" />
                              <xs:maxLength value="32" />
                      <xs:attribute name="ISO_LANGUAGE_ID" use="required">
                          <xs:documentation>K. Richter 26.03.2014</xs:documentation>
                          <xs:restriction base="xs:language">
                            <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{2}" />
            <xs:element name="LAYER" minOccurs="0">
                <xs:documentation xml:lang="DE">Layer gibt es nur für SVG's:
                                                -innerhalb der Outline einer SVG gilt: 
                                                Es gibt keine Überlappungen der durch Outlines gekennzeichneten Flächen innerhalb des selben Layers.
                          10=Teppich, 20=Sofa, Möbel,Tisch(Default-Wert),30 Kissen,40 Dekorkissen, 50 Kopfstützen, 60 Plate/Überwurf
                          24.06.2015 /Balke, K. Richter 23.11.2015</xs:documentation>
                <xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger">
                  <xs:pattern value="[1-6]0" />
          <xs:attribute name="DETAIL_INFO_NO" use="required">
                        30.05.2012/Bur, K. Richter 26.03.2014</xs:documentation>
              <xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger">
                <xs:maxInclusive value="999999999" />
See Also
GLOBAL_DEFINITION ElementT_NEW_CATALOG ElementIDMW 2.0 XML-Schema Dokumentation