IDMW 2.0 XML-Schema Dokumentation
IDMW 2.0 XML-Schema Dokumentation > T_NEW_CATALOG Element > GLOBAL_DEFINITION Element : PROPERTIES Element

This element is used to include additional information and characteristics, e.g. energy label, efficiency classes and similar data. Only the characteristics needed for correctly mapping the catalogue are defined.

The keys can be found in the corresponding table (information keys).

Namespace (none)
PROPERTY Element Sequence PROPERTIES Element

This element is used to include additional information and characteristics, e.g. energy label, efficiency classes and similar data. Only the characteristics needed for correctly mapping the catalogue are defined.

The keys can be found in the corresponding table (information keys).


This element is used to define a feature.

The key, text and measurement unit can be found in the correspondingtable (information keys).

PROPERTY_NO required Restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger

This attribute is used to identify the feature.

Its number can be found in the table with the information keys.

   D   nonNegativeInteger
   M   [0:999]
PROPERTY_TEXT languagetext Complex Type
This element contains texts for characteristic features/properties.
This element is used to store texts in multiple languages. One element is created for each language. Language is specified in the attribute ISO_LANGUAGE_ID. The same languages must be specified for each element in the data pool.
ISO_LANGUAGE_ID required Restriction of xs:language
This attribute is used to specify the ISO code of the language in which the text is stored.    D   language
   P   [A-Z]{2}
   M   [2:2]
TEXT xs:string
This element is used to store the text in the language specified in the LANGUAGE element of the ISO_LANGUAGE_ID attribute.    D   string
   P   [\S ]{1,60}
   M   [1:60]
PROPERTY_UNIT optional languagetext30 Complex Type
This element is used to specify the unit of measure for the respective characteristic features like property.
This element is used to store texts in multiple languages. One element is created for each language. Language is specified in the attribute ISO_LANGUAGE_ID. The same languages must be specified for each element in the data pool. They must be identical to the ISO_LANGUAGE_ID elements under T_NEW_CATALOG/CATALOG/CATALOG_IDENTIFICATION.
ISO_LANGUAGE_ID required Restriction of xs:language
This attribute is used to specify the ISO code of the language in which the text is stored.    D   language
   P   [A-Z]{2}
   M   [2:2]
TEXT Restriction of xs:string
This element is used to store the text in the language specified in the LANGUAGE element of the ISO_LANGUAGE_ID attribute.    D   string
   P   [\S ]{1,30}
   M   [1:30]
<xs:element name="PROPERTIES" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 0</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="PROPERTY" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 0</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="PROPERTY_TEXT" type="languagetext" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
            <xs:element name="PROPERTY_UNIT" type="languagetext30" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
          <xs:attribute name="PROPERTY_NO" use="required">
              <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 0</xs:documentation>
              <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
                <xs:minInclusive value="0" />
                <xs:maxInclusive value="999" />
See Also
GLOBAL_DEFINITION ElementT_NEW_CATALOG ElementIDMW 2.0 XML-Schema Dokumentation