IDMW 2.0 XML-Schema Dokumentation
IDMW 2.0 XML-Schema Dokumentation > T_NEW_CATALOG Element > SERIES Element > SERIE Element > PRODUCT_GROUPS Element > PRODUCT_GROUP Element > ITEMS Element > ITEM Element > DETAIL_INFOS Element : DETAIL_INFO_REF Element

This element is used to directly assign precisely 1 option to the figure.

The assignment is done via DETAIL_INFO_NO and either RESTRICTION_NO or DECISION_NO, with only repertory rules permitted for the reference to a rule (DECISION).

This assignment must only be used for magnet planner figures (assignments).

If a manufacturer offers functional versions (e.g. cross-sleepers) for an item, the manufacturer may store the different figures for this option here.

Namespace (none)

This element is used to directly assign precisely 1 option to the figure.

The assignment is done via DETAIL_INFO_NO and either RESTRICTION_NO or DECISION_NO, with only repertory rules permitted for the reference to a rule (DECISION).

This assignment must only be used for magnet planner figures (assignments).

If a manufacturer offers functional versions (e.g. cross-sleepers) for an item, the manufacturer may store the different figures for this option here.

DETAIL_INFO_NO required Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This attribute is used to specify the identification number of the referenced detailed information.    D   positiveInteger
   M   [1:999999999]   
DECISION_NO optional Restriction of xs:positiveInteger
This attribute is used to reference a rule.
Only the identifier (DECISION_NO) must be specified within a preparation rule, there must not be any simultaneous referencing to an assessment (no value for RESTRICTION_NO).
   D   positiveInteger
   M   [1:9999999999]
DETAIL_INFO_NORestriction of xs:positiveIntegerrequired  
This attribute is used to specify the identification number of the referenced detailed information.    D   positiveInteger
   M   [1:999999999]   
DECISION_NORestriction of xs:positiveIntegeroptional  
This attribute is used to reference a rule.
Only the identifier (DECISION_NO) must be specified within a preparation rule, there must not be any simultaneous referencing to an assessment (no value for RESTRICTION_NO).
   D   positiveInteger
   M   [1:9999999999]
<xs:element name="DETAIL_INFO_REF" maxOccurs="unbounded" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:attribute name="DETAIL_INFO_NO" use="required">
                                                              30.05.2012/Bur, K. Richter 26.03.2014</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger">
          <xs:maxInclusive value="999999999" />
    <xs:attribute name="DECISION_NO" use="optional">
        <xs:documentation>Version Beta 2.0 Build 0</xs:documentation>
        <xs:documentation>einheitlich auf 1 bis 99999 gesetzt, K. Richter 23.05.2014</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger">
          <xs:minInclusive value="1" />
          <xs:maxInclusive value="9999999999" />
See Also
DETAIL_INFOS ElementITEM ElementITEMS ElementPRODUCT_GROUP ElementPRODUCT_GROUPS ElementSERIE ElementSERIES ElementT_NEW_CATALOG ElementIDMW 2.0 XML-Schema Dokumentation